Complete Fittings
When an electrical component is waterproof or weather proof there is normally a range of water resistant quality described by an IP Rating. It is quite a complex rating system and the rating should be applied by an electrical contractor who knows the application required and can determine the IP rating required.

If you have an idea for a plumbing pipe light that you’d like us to build then we are here to help.
Plumbing pipe is a very versatile material to use, but there are limitations. It may be that you want to extend or subtract from one of our existing lights or have a new idea all together. Please send us as much information as possible. Any drawings you have (even a freehand sketch), dimensions, limitations regarding power access, globe choice, pipe finish and electrical hardware colour will all help us to be able to provide you with an accurate quote.
Once we have all of this information from you, we will be able to digitally draw an image for your approval that will fall within the limitations of the material.
Don’t be afraid to get creative – we’ll do our best to make it work. Send your info to [email protected] and don’t forget that we already have a large selection of plumbing pipe lighting here.