It was a while ago now that set designers from Shine Australia purchased globes from us for the hit TV Series MasterChef. Their concept involved encasing our beautiful teardrop globes inside preserving jars and displaying them on bookshelves as a feature on the background set… all 400 of them. If we watch the show, we always catch a glimpse of this clever design feature.
We were mad keen to get in on set to take some photos, as they have also purchased heaps of our 125mm round Squirrel Cage bulbs, New Brass E27 lamp holders (hand polished to capture that golden TV ‘zing’) and gold braided cable… but, unfortunately, getting onto that set ain’t so easy. As fortune has it, (it must have something to do with all that gold)… our gun photographer friend happened to be there to photograph none other than the most famous chef in the world  (well we think so anyway), Heston Blumenthal. And it just so happens, we get a shot of some of our lovely lights after all.