Product Description
Bakelite Standard Lamp holder Edison E27 fitting with straight smooth body style. Includes bakelite insert, insulated thread and screw terminals. A cord grip mechanism ensures that the cable can not be pulled out of the fitting when used as a pendant.
Options include cord grip included, no cord grip or a 25mm allthread and hex nut. Note: The allthread option may require an earth connection.
This ES lamp holder has a standard anti rotation lock so that unscrewing the bulb will not unscrew the lamp holder. To unscrew the lamp holder from it’s cap you must depress the tab inside to release the ratchet effect.
Fast delivery, good quality fitting, easy to assemble
Good customer service and delivery quickness.
I was going to contact you regarding taking the thing apart so that the wiring can be connected. I have searched YouTube etc. but have not been able to find this particular model. I will be using DC current only.
You may need to contact us via our email address. All ES lamp holders have an anti rotation component so that they can’t be inadvertently unscrewed whilst changing globes