Steampunk show, Steamscape opening at Post Industrial Design goes OFF.
What a great turnout tonight for the Steamscape Exhibition.
Around 500 people turned up to see the Clockwork Butterfly fashion parade, the exhibition of Steampunk art and design, live music from the Penny Dreadfuls and the voice of our own Katie Haughton. The exhibition showed the steampunk movement through fashion, design, sculpture, painting and more. Staged in the smallish gallery in Barkley Street Footscray the crown spilled out into the streets and into the half demolished Victorian house next door. It was a night highlighted by the fashion, and not just the fashion by Clockwork Butterfly. Most of the crowd were dressed in a staggering variety of eclectic Victorian futuristic gear, a fantastic result and it looked amazing.
The rooms inside were dark, warm and gloomy with a hint of brass and cast iron here and there surrounded by top hats, lace and animal skins. All the locals were there along with the die-hards of the Steampunk movement.
Amazing scenes as the circus act payed out on the lawn in front of the old house next door with a crowd of a hundred or so watching on lit almost entirely by the fire=eaters flaming torch. The crowd had been treated to the fabulous “Food by Miranda” catering and complimentary wine.
Thanks must go to Jos and Mary and also thanks to those that had a chat about our little light bulb display, we hope you will be back next week as we set up a larger display of Steampunk Lighting. We had several shapes of bulbs on display with some hand made metal cages designed by Jos, from a large Swiss made bulbs to the small radio valve shaped bulbs bare. We hung a range of colored braid flex and showed the UK manufactured Brass and Bronze lampholders that show a 140 year tradition of quality.
“Steamscape” will be a Steampunk exhibition as part of the Loreal Fashion week Cultural Program