Yellow cages and purple insulators may not be the most complex solution to your lighting design. Here at the Seddon Wine Store however they are used to great effect with supporting color and detail. This started life a small plain space with suspended ceiling and big fridges. To create a warm and inviting grunge feel Jeremy has slowly added more detail and the result is a credit to his persistence.
We recently were asked to photograph the interior now complete with a few of the local enjoying the atmosphere. The images are an illustration of the way attention to detail can create a whole canvas of color and light. These images were photographed using an HDR (high dynamic range) effect with a bit of creative license thrown in to produce a painterly look.
The lighting consists of 60W Teardrop globes on dimmers inside Yellow standard cages. The Insulators are Amithyst Pin insulators produced in Australia over 50 years ago and re purposed as E14 lights. Simple, affordable and effective.
We invite any of our customers to send in their images of an interior to show off your design skills. If you have a place you would like us to photograph. let us know, we may just have time to pop in…