General information
We try to keep our stock levels on our website as accurate as we can. When you click in to view a product you will see if it is currently in stock. Â With globes it will show you the number we have in stock, everything else will tell you if it is in or out of stock. Â
Where there are options that need to be selected (e.g. finish or shade type), these will need to be chosen before availability is shown.
If a product is out of stock and is a continuing range you may wish to email us so that you will be notified once it is back in stock.
From time to time we allow purchasing of items not in stock. If listed online as out of stock but backorders are enabled then we expect that the delay would not be significant.
Where there will be a delay we do not allow backordering and instead we ask that you email us for an expected delivery time.
We often have orders where small items or optional parts are out of stock. We may hold back the delivery until these items come into stock or we will part ship and send the backordered items as soon as they arrive in.
Generally we try to stock as many items as possible listed online and for some items we can list stock numbers.
For any outstanding items please contact us via the ticket system or email support quoting your invoice number.